
Hey,  hey!  *I* wrote the first ever article on "What's on my desk" !  -
I think.

Right then, first of all, a dodgy sketch of my bedroom ......

                 | STEREO          *           | V |     |
                 \  *                          |_P |-----|
       [Door]-->  \                                |  T  |
                 |                                 |   V |
                 |                                 |MI   |
                 |----.                            |  GGY|
                 |    |                           M ||
                 |    |                            E |[] = <--[CD drive]
 [Big wardrobe]> |    |         .---------.          | ..|    [plus CDs]
                 |    |      Z  |         |          `---|
                 |    |      O  |    B    |            V |
                 |----'      N  |    E    |            I |  <--[Winda]
                 |           E  |    D    | __         D |
                 | CLOBBER      |         ||CH|        S =
                 | CHAIR     1  |_________||__|    MESS  |
                 |    MASSIVE FITTED WARDROBES THINGY    |

  V = Video           CH = Chair
  P = PlayStation      * = Speakers

ZONE  1  is  where my bed covers fall off in the night.  So keeping this
area clean at all times is a high priority.

Yes,  I  know  my  miggy is in a weird position.  The corner of the desk
points  directly into mah knackers, so I could lose my family pension if
I get up a bit too quick.

I  still  haven't  moved  all  my  stuff  in.  And there's also mags/etc
littered on the floor.  Bah.

Whoops, this was supposed to be about what I had on my desk, and not the
layout of my bedroom.  Oh, and this ISN'T an invitation to burgle me!!

[This  may  prompt  some  articles  on  art  deco  or  interia design or
something.  Or who has the best room layout etc..  Kei]
